Top 10k strings from Faust's Folly (1983)(Abbex Electronics)(Part 1 of 2).z80
in <root> / bin / z80 / software / Sinclair Spectrum Collection TOSEC.exe / Sinclair ZX Spectrum - Games / [Z80] /
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1 ;"You can move about by giving me directions such as ""u"" for up, ""d"" for down, ""n"" for North, ""sw"" for South-West, etc. 1 ;"STOP THE RECORDER NOW TO AVOID 1 ;"Remember, you can die in the Folly or remain trapped forever.Beware of false clues and the wandering thief." 1 ;"Press any key to start your 1 ;"PRESS ANY KEY TO LOAD" 1 ;"PRESS ANY KEY TO CONTINUE"; 1 ;"I understand some of the simple commands such as ""take lamp"" and""throw keys"" which consist of a verb and object. 1 ;"I know of treasures to be found,such as a sword, a necklace, jewels and more, and I know you can just carry all of it at one time. 1 ;"I am your guide to Faust's Follya secluded hideaway reputedly built by a wealthy German named Faust who sold his soul to the Devil like his namesake. 1 "Some special commands you can use are as follows:"; 1 "Please load FFOLLY2.Z80": 1 understand your command, trying something similar may work. 1 to find your score 1 search for Faust's Folly and start the recorder on PLAY. 1 perils to be faced which have solutions, but you will require to have certain items with you to survive some of them. 1 in its current 1 are holding"; 1 and rating or to 1 You may acquire all treasures to achieve Champion status but remember that the ultimate aim is to get them all out of the Folly." 1 There is some magic in Faust's Folly, but it can be unreliable and may be used up entirely" 1 The Folly is now thought to be populated by a number of mutatedcreatures surviving from the dawn of time. 1 Sometimes when I do not 1 SAVE the program 1 REWINDING 1 Most commands will have no real effect in many given situations and you must keep trying to findthe correct solution. 1 If you didn't stop it quickly enough, you may need to rewind it to the start." 1 I will tell you if you cannot move in a given direction, but I am not too intelligent and I may try to move in the wrong direction if we don't have a compass." 1 I can take you close to this place and then I will follow your instructions." 1 I also know that there are 1 A ZX ADVENTURE" 1 to see where you are"; 1 to see what you